Our Approach
It Starts with a Conversation
Acuity takes a holistic approach to working with our students. While we move through a formal evaluation process, we take extra time to have casual conversations about things that may seem like nothing special. Through these small talks, we often discover that one thing that is unique to them, and an amazing essay begins to spark and catch fire.
In simplest terms, Acuity compares creating a successful college application to putting together a puzzle. We know how it will look when completed, but first the pieces have to be precisely placed together so that a distinct picture can begin to emerge.
Acuity’s job seems like the impossible; to help students assemble all the pieces of their lives into a single snapshot that will be clearly visible when placed beneath the intense microscope of college admissions.
No two students think alike.
They each have their own way of absorbing, processing, and presenting information. They take different approaches to problem-solving and time management. Some learn by seeing or listening while others learn through doing.
Acuity’s philosophy is that an understanding of individual learning and processing styles needs to be taken in to account throughout the college application process.
With this knowledge, we can provide specific guidance for each student as they create a cohesive application that shares their unique story.
Acuity believes it is important to listen.
We want to know what a student has to say. We want to learn about their experiences and hear their expectations for college and the future, even if it is not fully clear to them.
Through listening, we discover how a student’s mind works. With this understanding, we are better able to provide support throughout a detailed, demanding process that asks high school seniors to make decisions that will have an impact on the rest on their lives.
Acuity also believes it is important to hear the insights that only a parent can share about their child. With their input, we can develop a complete assessment of a student so we can better anticipate when they will need assistance along the way.